What's on at
Panshanger church
We are a Church in heart of, and with a heart for the community. As well as our Sunday Gatherings we have many groups and activities for all ages that run during the week.
Take a look to see what is happening at Panshanger Church:

The Sunday Gatherings can look different from week to week:
First Sunday of the month is Cafe Church, this will be led by members of the congregation who are part of the Worship Leaders Team. Cafe Church is an informal style for all the family, pick up a tea or coffee on your way in.
Second and fourth Sundays are Holy Communion, which is slightly more traditional in style and format and will include more shared liturgy (set words).
Third (and fifth is there is one) Sundays will be led by a member of the congregation, and will be quite informal.
Children & Youth Ministry
We have groups on Sundays for children 4 year+, midweek Homegroup for year 6+, monthly Friday Night Social for year 6+
We are one family at Panshanger Church and encourage all ages to get involved with areas of Ministry and service within the church.
Stay & Play, for children up to four years old and their families every Wednesday 9-10:30am.
And look out for Messy Church specials for all primary school aged children and their families during the school holidays.

Prayer Ministry
If you would like prayer for anything you can contact the Prayer Team on prayer@panshangerchurch.com
Your email will not be replied to unless you request a response.
You can also contact Rev Paul directly on revpaul@panshangerchurch.com
Prayer and Reflection led by Rev Paul every Thursday at 10am in the Chapel is a time of reflection on scripture and an opportunity to discuss over coffee, and pray together.
Home Groups
Home Groups are small groups that meet during the week to study the Bible and pray together.
They run at different times and days of the week and in different locations

Pastoral Support
Our Pastoral Support Team can help if you need help with shopping when recovering from an illness, after a bereavement, or at anytime of need.
Fellowship Groups
We have various social groups that meet up at different times, including Knit & Natter on the first Wednesday of the month at 8pm , Women's and Men's Breakfasts.

Seniors Ministry
Reflections is a group for those in our community
who are retired. It provides a wonderful opportunity to meet with others, hear from local speakers on a range of topics and meet new friends.
Pantry Lunch is a monthly meal, an opportunity for those who would usually eat alone to come along and share a meal around the table together.